As 2022 winds to a close and holiday activities overwhelm your already busy calendar, winter hibernation may not sound half bad. But with one last rally, you can end this year strong and put yourself in a better position going into 2023.

Here are four ways to finish this year on a high note:

1. Take care of winter housekeeping.

Clean up your CRM, updating, segmenting and removing entries as appropriate. Review previous marketing initiatives, consider ROI and plan for the year ahead. Update marketing materials, both physical (e.g., business cards) and digital (like online business listings), for accuracy and compliance.

Gather the information necessary for tax preparation and filing. Consult a trusted financial advisor to evaluate this year’s financial performance. Discuss long-term financial plans and adjust your strategy accordingly.

2. Focus on personal growth and development.

To remain competitive in today’s market, continued education is essential. Review what you’ve learned this past year and consider your educational goals for 2023. Seek out the training necessary to further your development and start signing up for classes, workshops and seminars.

3. Reconnect with your network.

Block dedicated time into your calendar each week for outreach so you can continue to develop your professional network. Emails, phone calls and face-to-face interactions (even virtually) build stronger personal relationships and help generate repeat and referral business. Consistent communication also provides insight that can help you determine how to provide value to clients and referral partners.

4. Get into the holiday spirit.

Promotional gifts are a great way to show your appreciation for loyal clients and colleagues. Festive gift ideas include seasonal plants, cakes, cookies, candies, coffee and wine. The more personalized the gift, the better, so consult your CRM for insight.

For more ways to keep your business on track heading into 2023, reach out today.